Newark & Newark
608 S. 8th Street
Las Vegas , NV 89101
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Newark & Newark – Bankruptcy Law Firm Las Vegas, NV
(702) 888-2525
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Newark & Newark
608 S. 8th Street
Las Vegas NV 89101
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Contact Newark & Newark

With 50+ years of combined experience, we can provide the guidance you need during your bankruptcy case. 
Newark & Newark will help you get the fresh financial start you need.
• Debt Relief
• Stopping Foreclosures
• Stopping Vehicle Repossessions
• IRS Liens
• Wage Garnishments
Newark & Newark
608 S. 8th Street
Las Vegas , NV 89101
Get Directions
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Plenty of FREE parking available.
  • Main: (702) 888-2525
  • Fax: (702) 888-2526
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This is a placeholder for the Yext Knolwedge Tags. This message will not appear on the live site, but only within the editor. The Yext Knowledge Tags are successfully installed and will be added to the website.
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